

Sex Male
Level 553
Vocation Elite Knight
Guild Big Papa of Wholesome Lords
Last Login 25 March 2023 (16:40)
House Corner Street #2, Zion
House Slitherine Guildhall, Zion
Status offline
Created 10 January 2022 (12:37)
2,794,380,182 553 9,046 2,420 200 14,095 42:00 10 39 39 101 39 17 79 15
Death List
09 February 2022 (20:58) Killed at level 557 by Innvandraren (unjustified)
and by Fagolo.
01 February 2022 (20:10) Killed at level 525 by Flame Primal (soloed)
01 February 2022 (20:06) Killed at level 529 by Flame Primal (soloed)
01 February 2022 (19:29) Killed at level 532 by Hellfire Devil
and by Demon.
01 February 2022 (18:59) Killed at level 536 by Earth Primal (soloed)
29 January 2022 (05:28) Killed at level 514 by Grim Reaper
and by Spud.
29 January 2022 (03:38) Killed at level 517 by Medusa (soloed)
28 January 2022 (16:39) Killed at level 521 by Fury (soloed)
28 January 2022 (02:08) Killed at level 518 by Fury (soloed)
26 January 2022 (19:28) Killed at level 488 by Hellfire Devil
and by Orshabaal.
Quest progression
Quest: progression:
Crown shield quest 100%
Demon helmet quest 100%
Fa'hradin's enchanted lamp 100%
Koshei The Deathless 100%
Minotaur quest 100%
Orc Quest 100%
The Pits of Inferno Quest 100%
Yalahari quest 100%
  • Other visible characters on this account:
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