

Sex Male
Level 242
Vocation Elite Knight
Last Login 27 March 2024 (10:17)
House Bazaar's Apartment #6, Zion
Status offline
Created 04 August 2021 (23:38)
232,950,771 242 4,094 1,374 200 6,320 42:00 9 44 113 101 82 18 114 17

Race Award Medals

bronze medal Luxitur was third to reach 100 in club fighting
silver medal Luxitur was second to reach 100 in shielding
Death List
19 January 2022 (21:47) Killed at level 244 by Grim Reaper (soloed)
19 January 2022 (21:17) Killed at level 244 by Dipthrah (soloed)
15 October 2021 (22:52) Killed at level 227 by Hellspawn (soloed)
12 October 2021 (18:52) Killed at level 226 by Hellfire Devil (soloed)
12 October 2021 (18:26) Killed at level 227 by Hellfire Devil
and by Orshabaal.
11 October 2021 (22:03) Killed at level 228 by Hellfire Devil (soloed)
04 October 2021 (18:41) Killed at level 212 by Hellfire Fighter (soloed)
04 October 2021 (16:54) Killed at level 212 by Demon (soloed)
04 October 2021 (11:21) Killed at level 211 by Dipthrah
and by Dragonfly.
15 September 2021 (10:39) Killed at level 171 by Dragon Lord (soloed)
Quest progression
Quest: progression:
Annihilator 100%
Coral comb 100%
Damaged steel helmet 100%
Demon helmet quest 100%
Dwarf quest 100%
Fa'hradin's enchanted lamp 100%
Fire Axe quest 100%
Hidden hydra quest 100%
Hydra maze quest 100%
Orc Fortress quest 100%
Orc Quest 100%
The Pits of Inferno Quest 100%
Yalahari quest 100%
  • Other visible characters on this account:
    Name: Level: Vocation: Last login: Status:
    Sparrow 140 Royal Paladin 13 March 2024 (16:09) offline
    GM Znote 100 Sorcerer 31 May 2024 (00:36) offline
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