

Sex Male
Level 613
Vocation Elite Knight
Guild a Member of Mercenaries
Last Login 19 February 2022 (18:50)
House Corner Street #5, Zion
Status offline
Created 14 January 2022 (19:44)
3,818,508,950 613 9,260 3,115 200 15,595 42:00 12 45 107 49 46 18 86 17

Race Award Medals

bronze medal Innvandraren was third to reach 600 in level
Death List
20 February 2022 (03:39) Killed at level 618 by Hellspawn (soloed)
14 February 2022 (12:55) Killed at level 613 by Demon (soloed)
07 February 2022 (20:43) Killed at level 609 by Hellhound
and by Energy Primal.
02 February 2022 (15:16) Killed at level 538 by Grim Reaper (soloed)
26 January 2022 (06:21) Killed at level 429 by Demon (soloed)
19 January 2022 (23:38) Killed at level 324 by Elder Zippo (unjustified) (soloed)
19 January 2022 (03:45) Killed at level 301 by Medusa
and by Ron Mayer.
19 January 2022 (03:30) Killed at level 303 by Medusa
and by Bog Champion.
19 January 2022 (03:20) Killed at level 305 by Medusa
and by Ron Druid.
19 January 2022 (01:41) Killed at level 302 by Hellfire Fighter
and by Ron Druid.
Quest progression
Quest: progression:
Demon helmet quest 100%
Fire Axe quest 100%
Hidden hero quest 100%
Koshei The Deathless 100%
Orc Fortress quest 100%
Orc Quest 100%
The Pits of Inferno Quest 100%
Yalahari quest 100%


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