Rarity Item System

Obtain Rare, Epic and Legendary items!

Image of a legendary noble axe.

When you kill a monster that drops items, there is a 7% chance of getting either a rare, epic or legendary item.

  • Rare: 5%
  • Epic: 1.5%
  • Legendary: 0.5%

These items have extra attributes or modifiers, that can make them very powerful:

  • Armor
  • Attack
  • Crit Chance
  • Death Resistance
  • Defense
  • Earth Resistance
  • Energy Damage
  • Energy Resistance
  • Extra Defense
  • Fire Damage
  • Fire Resistance
  • Ice Damage
  • Ice Resistance
  • Life Leech
  • Magic Level
  • Max Health
  • Max Mana
  • Physical Resistance
  • Range
  • Skill Axe
  • Skill Club
  • Skill Distance
  • Skill Melee
  • Skill Shielding
  • Skill Sword
  • Spell Damage
  • Time

Rare Tomes

Image of our 5 different tome books.

Upgrade items to Rare, Epic and Legendary tiers!

  • Rare grey tome: Roll item to rare tier, 20% chance of 2 attributes.
  • Very rare green tome: Roll item to rare tier, 100% chance of 2 attributes.
  • Epic blue tome: Roll item to epic tier, 50% chance of 2 attributes.
  • Very epic red tome: Roll item to epic tier, 100% chance of 2 attributes.
  • Legendary purple tome: Roll item to legendary tier, 100% chance of 2 attributes.

Rare Upgrade Station

Located in the southwestern part of Zion's Bazaar:

Image of the rare upgrade station in Zion.

Place a rare grey or green tome on the campfire, along with an item you wish to apply rare tier attribute to. And pull the lever.

There may be other upgrade stations out there, fitting for the epic and legendary tomes. But they are not easily accessible from a town.

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1Proturk (215) 118 764 K exp
2Qurced (212) 97 097 K exp
3Lady Mont (18) 36 K exp
4Lady Mont (18) 27 K exp
5Lady Mont (18) 16 K exp