

Sex Male
Level 191
Vocation Royal Paladin
Guild Consigliere of The Mob
Last Login 15 March 2024 (16:01)
House Corner Street #11, Zion
Status offline
Created 29 February 2024 (19:30)
114,113,525 191 2,631 1,484 140 4,130 42:00 23 29 14 42 38 91 80 14
Death List
13 March 2024 (04:59) Killed at level 191 by Diaamon (soloed)
13 March 2024 (02:58) Killed at level 188 by Massive Energy Elemental
and by Hellfire Devil.
10 March 2024 (07:10) Killed at level 169 by Lizard Chosen (soloed)
06 March 2024 (23:32) Killed at level 131 by Hunter
and by Morguthis.
05 March 2024 (22:43) Killed at level 122 by field item
and by Apprentice's spellbook.
03 March 2024 (23:08) Killed at level 87 by Sea Serpent
and by Diaamon.
Quest progression
Quest: progression:
Coral comb 100%
Crown shield quest 100%
Damaged steel helmet 100%
Demon helmet quest 100%
Dwarf quest 100%
Fallen dragon quest 100%
Fa'hradin's enchanted lamp 100%
Frost dragon quest 100%
Fire Axe quest 100%
Hidden hydra quest 100%
Hidden hero quest 100%
Hydra maze quest 100%
Koshei The Deathless 100%
Minotaur quest 100%
Orc Fortress quest 100%
The Pits of Inferno Quest 100%
Warlock quest 100%
Yalahari quest 100%
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    Coldtears 30 Druid 15 March 2024 (16:00) offline
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