

Sex Male
Level 603
Vocation Elite Knight
Guild the Leader of White Seagulls
Last Login 27 April 2024 (19:29)
House Zion's Marble Guildhall, Zion
House Bazaar's Apartment #4, Zion
Status offline
Created 09 September 2021 (21:18)
3,628,930,344 603 10,210 3,243 200 15,345 42:00 12 39 123 90 57 17 121 15
04:09 You advanced from Level 399 to Level 400.

Race Award Medals

gold medal Soviet was first to reach 100 in shielding
silver medal Soviet was second to reach 100 in club fighting
gold medal Soviet was first to reach 400 in level
gold medal Soviet was first to reach 500 in level
Death List
08 April 2024 (22:37) Killed at level 606 by Hellfire Devil
and by Orshabaal.
04 March 2022 (12:12) Killed at level 570 by Frost Dragon (soloed)
15 February 2022 (14:02) Killed at level 533 by Medusa (soloed)
07 February 2022 (20:42) Killed at level 500 by Lamia
and by Energy Primal.
31 January 2022 (20:51) Killed at level 502 by Demon
and by Orshabaal.
29 January 2022 (22:22) Killed at level 504 by True Dawnfire Asura
and by True Midnight Asura.
29 January 2022 (22:18) Killed at level 507 by True Dawnfire Asura
and by Energy Primal.
26 January 2022 (19:42) Killed at level 508 by Elder Wyrm
and by Mad Mage.
16 January 2022 (19:10) Killed at level 506 by Plaguethrower
and by Juggernaut.
16 January 2022 (19:06) Killed at level 510 by Juggernaut (soloed)
Quest progression
Quest: progression:
Annihilator 100%
Crown shield quest 100%
Demon helmet quest 100%
Frost dragon quest 100%
Hidden hero quest 100%
Koshei The Deathless 100%
Minotaur quest 100%
Orc Fortress quest 100%
The Pits of Inferno Quest 100%
Warlock quest 100%
Yalahari quest 100%
  • Other visible characters on this account:
    Name: Level: Vocation: Last login: Status:
    Miss Kiss 382 Elder Druid 27 April 2024 (22:16) offline
    Lady Demones 173 Master Sorcerer 27 April 2024 (19:29) offline
    Just Knight 15 Paladin 27 April 2024 (19:30) offline
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