

Sex Male
Level 492
Vocation Elder Druid
Guild The Boss of The Mob
Last Login 22 March 2024 (01:50)
House Corner Street #7, Zion
Status offline
Created 02 March 2024 (23:58)
1,971,047,413 492 3,703 13,446 200 5,310 42:00 106 10 10 10 10 14 28 18
Death List
09 March 2024 (16:46) Killed at level 275 by Medusa (soloed)
09 March 2024 (06:39) Killed at level 275 by Demon (soloed)
09 March 2024 (06:37) Killed at level 277 by Massive Water Elemental
and by Morgaroth.
09 March 2024 (06:34) Killed at level 279 by Orshabaal (soloed)
09 March 2024 (06:09) Killed at level 280 by Orshabaal (soloed)
03 March 2024 (21:58) Killed at level 115 by Hydra (soloed)
03 March 2024 (19:54) Killed at level 98 by Fury (soloed)
03 March 2024 (18:44) Killed at level 92 by Hydra (soloed)
03 March 2024 (18:18) Killed at level 91 by Larry (soloed)
03 March 2024 (17:17) Killed at level 90 by Orc Warlord (soloed)
Quest progression
Quest: progression:
Demon helmet quest 100%
Fallen dragon quest 100%
Hydra maze quest 100%
Orc Quest 100%
The Pits of Inferno Quest 100%
Yalahari quest 100%
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