

Sex Male
Level 411
Vocation Elite Knight
Guild Human Guide of Wholesome Lords
Last Login 07 February 2022 (12:27)
Status offline
Created 12 January 2022 (17:02)
1,141,499,835 411 5,472 1,919 200 10,545 42:00 10 44 44 44 104 18 100 17

Race Award Medals

gold medal Hugget was first to reach 100 in axe fighting
Death List
05 February 2022 (20:02) Killed at level 369 by Faxe (unjustified)
and by Fagolo.
04 February 2022 (14:55) Killed at level 345 by Serpent Spawn
and by Medusa.
22 January 2022 (14:20) Killed at level 227 by Medusa (soloed)
22 January 2022 (13:26) Killed at level 228 by Medusa (soloed)
22 January 2022 (11:42) Killed at level 228 by Serpent Spawn
and by Medusa.
19 January 2022 (06:06) Killed at level 230 by Warlock (soloed)
18 January 2022 (20:31) Killed at level 218 by Hero (soloed)
18 January 2022 (03:20) Killed at level 207 by Hero (soloed)
13 January 2022 (22:16) Killed at level 103 by Vampire (soloed)
12 January 2022 (22:42) Killed at level 50 by Cyclops Drone (soloed)
Quest progression
Quest: progression:
Damaged steel helmet 100%
Demon helmet quest 100%
Frost dragon quest 100%


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1Proturk (215) 118 764 K exp
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