

Sex Male
Level 577
Vocation Royal Paladin
Guild a Member of White Seagulls
Last Login 22 March 2024 (06:28)
Status offline
Created 20 August 2021 (10:06)
3,171,667,712 577 5,875 8,115 200 11,850 42:00 35 44 54 36 20 121 111 13

Race Award Medals

silver medal Ebashu was second to reach 100 in distance fighting
Death List
22 March 2024 (06:27) Killed at level 581 by Grim Reaper (soloed)
22 March 2024 (03:25) Killed at level 581 by Grim Reaper (soloed)
21 March 2024 (07:13) Killed at level 582 by Grim Reaper (soloed)
13 March 2024 (15:31) Killed at level 452 by Grim Reaper (soloed)
12 March 2024 (12:45) Killed at level 427 by Grim Reaper (soloed)
31 January 2022 (18:07) Killed at level 400 by Archmage (soloed)
27 January 2022 (19:06) Killed at level 402 by Rahemos
and by Morguthis.
26 January 2022 (20:47) Killed at level 405 by Orshabaal (soloed)
23 January 2022 (20:15) Killed at level 405 by Thor (soloed)
14 January 2022 (19:09) Killed at level 376 by Ron Mayer (soloed)
Quest progression
Quest: progression:
Annihilator 100%
Demon helmet quest 100%
Dwarf quest 100%
Fallen dragon quest 100%
Frost dragon quest 100%
Hidden hero quest 100%
Orc Fortress quest 100%
The Pits of Inferno Quest 100%
Warlock quest 100%
Yalahari quest 100%
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    Xeze 190 Master Sorcerer 18 March 2024 (12:16) offline
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