Latest Changelog Updates (Click here to see full changelog)
24. Mar Added item lookup in Bestiary Compendium
18. Mar Added Broadcast and Guildcast rune to the game. These are special runes allowing you to broadcast server wide messages across to everybody, or those in your guild and party.
18. Mar Doppleganger now informs which DEF he has, and his atk, arm, def and dist calculations are now more accurately representing the player
18. Mar Special Paladin distance effects will no longer harm Doppleganger (Except burst arrows).
hello world!
[#2] 07 August 2021 (02:10) by GM Znote - Discord Community

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1Proturk (215) 118 764 K exp
2Qurced (212) 97 097 K exp
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5Lady Mont (18) 27 K exp