
Marcus Doom

Sex Male
Level 109
Vocation Master Sorcerer
Last Login 17 March 2024 (15:29)
Status offline
Created 03 March 2024 (00:46)
20,944,120 109 561 2,429 200 1,480 42:00 44 10 10 10 10 14 17 18
Death List
03 March 2024 (20:19) Killed at level 93 by Fury (soloed)
03 March 2024 (20:01) Killed at level 87 by Destroyer
and by Warlock.
03 March 2024 (19:58) Killed at level 87 by Fury
and by Failure.
03 March 2024 (18:48) Killed at level 74 by Hydra (soloed)
03 March 2024 (18:40) Killed at level 74 by Marcus Doom
and by Hydra.
03 March 2024 (18:35) Killed at level 74 by Fagolo (unjustified) (soloed)
03 March 2024 (18:31) Killed at level 75 by Hydra (soloed)
03 March 2024 (18:26) Killed at level 75 by Hydra (soloed)
03 March 2024 (16:52) Killed at level 70 by Dragon Lord (soloed)
03 March 2024 (16:43) Killed at level 68 by Dragon Lord (soloed)
Quest progression
Quest: progression:
Demon helmet quest 100%
Fallen dragon quest 100%
  • Other visible characters on this account:
    Name: Level: Vocation: Last login: Status:
    Larrys Other Brother 86 Elite Knight 03 March 2024 (22:46) offline
  • Address: Doom

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