
Bagual Dos Pampas

Sex Male
Level 186
Vocation Elite Knight
Guild Consigliere of The Mob
Last Login 13 July 2024 (00:18)
House Corner Street #15, Zion
Status offline
Created 27 February 2024 (02:06)
104,502,464 186 3,099 471 200 4,920 42:00 10 47 117 65 50 20 117 18
Death List
29 March 2024 (06:05) Killed at level 186 by Medusa
and by Plaguethrower.
03 March 2024 (16:41) Killed at level 133 by Elder Beholder (soloed)
29 February 2024 (06:15) Killed at level 91 by Hero (soloed)
28 February 2024 (04:05) Killed at level 75 by field item
and by Lizard Legionnaire.
27 February 2024 (05:49) Killed at level 42 by Giant Spider (soloed)
27 February 2024 (05:37) Killed at level 40 by Merlkin (soloed)
27 February 2024 (04:35) Killed at level 38 by Dragon (soloed)
Quest progression
Quest: progression:
Damaged steel helmet 100%
Fallen dragon quest 100%
Fa'hradin's enchanted lamp 50%
Hidden hydra quest 100%
Hidden hero quest 100%
Minotaur quest 100%
Orc Fortress quest 100%
Orc Quest 100%
The Pits of Inferno Quest 100%

Address: Dos Pampas

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1Proturk (215) 118 764 K exp
2Qurced (212) 97 097 K exp
3Lady Mont (18) 36 K exp
4Lady Mont (18) 27 K exp
5Lady Mont (18) 16 K exp