Bestiary: Omruc

Image of Omruc Image of the corpse from Omruc

General Information:

  • Health: 4300
  • Experience: 2950
  • speed: 370
  • armor: 20
  • defence: 35
  • convinceable: No
  • summonable: No
  • manacost: 0


Now chhhou shhhee me ... Now chhhou don't!!
Chhhhou are marked ashhh my prey.
Psssst, I am over chhhere.

Summon list:

This creature can have 4 active summons.

Image Name % Chance Spawn interval
Image of Hunter Hunter % 100 2000

Loot list:

Image Name % Chance Max Qty
Image of loot item: gold coin gold coin % 100 100
Image of loot item: orb orb % 4 1
Image of loot item: ravager's axe ravager's axe % 0.9 1
Image of loot item: gold coin gold coin % 100 100
Image of loot item: crystal arrow crystal arrow % 100 1
Image of loot item: bagImage of loot item: gold coin gold coin % 100 70
Image of loot item: bagImage of loot item: scythe scythe % 20 1
Image of loot item: bagImage of loot item: candy cane candy cane % 8 5
Image of loot item: bagImage of loot item: scarab shield scarab shield % 1.8 1
Image of loot item: bagImage of loot item: phoenix shield phoenix shield % 0.4 1
Image of loot item: bagImage of loot item: griffin shield griffin shield % 0.8 1
Image of loot item: bagImage of loot item: noble armor noble armor % 1 1
Image of loot item: bagImage of loot item: white dress white dress % 0.2 1
Image of loot item: bagImage of loot item: wand of cosmic energy wand of cosmic energy % 1.6 1
Image of loot item: bagImage of loot item: small ruby small ruby % 8 2
Image of loot item: bagImage of loot item: coconut coconut % 8 4
Image of loot item: bagImage of loot item: gold coin gold coin % 100 100
Image of loot item: bagImage of loot item: roll roll % 8 4

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